We are graduates from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology ( BUET ), currently residing in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology is one of the foremost educational institution in Bangladesh. Located in the capital city of Dhaka, it was established as Ahsanullah Engineering College in 1947 and upgraded to East Pakistan University of Engineering & Technology in 1962 with close ties to the curriculum of Texas A&M University. The country now known as Bangladesh was the result of war of liberation from colonial rules; hence the rename to BUET. Over the decades, this prestigious institution has produced engineers, architects and urban planners who are practicing their knowledge and talents within and outside Bangladesh. Many of us work here in various capacities in services related to oil and gas industries for which Alberta is well known around the world.This website has been created to bring the graduates of BUET working in Calgary together and provide a common platform for communication. 

